Tag Archives: st. John of the Divine

Remembering Peace

You’ll have to forgive me. I take slightly longer to process experiences that my fellow travelers, so please step back in time with me to Monday.

In the morning we walked along Morningside Heights to the Cathedral of St. John of the Divine. If ever there was a building filled with collective memory it is an unfinished cathedral that has been under construction for over a hundred years. St. John of the Divine does not disappoint with a multitude of plaques, statues, stained glass, and inscriptions. everything from an FDNY memorial to a stone commemorating the choirboys who contributed to the construction of the cathedral from 1902-1906 (before child labor laws, so yes, 9 year-old construction workers.)

Among the many memorial objects two stood out to me. At first for their respective beauty and oddness and later for how they relate.

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